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A Child of Destiny Part II is the continuation of A Child of Destiny part one. The first book was centered towards children. It was a children's story whose setting was from ancient Africa, preferably Amazulu Kingdom. With a good story line and animations that will leave you wondering what happens next, the story continues. Now you have A Child of Destiny II, which is more of an adult version that catches the reader up to speed from incidents that took place in part one. I have to say, part two is all the more intriguing with a twisted fate, historical hints and movie potential. So......journey with me as the child in whose destiny is unfolding right before your eyes becomes a reality

Egotism vs. Egotism is basically an inward thought provoking, relational book that focuses on the issues that men and women take for granite. This book is intriguing, blunt, spicy and deals with some real issues that go un-noticed. It also exsposes the misalliance in relationships that throws off a man and woman to the point that they forget who they are and their place. It centers around knowing yourself in order to be who you are suppose to be while bringing back the respect for the man and woman in order to continue to co-exist.

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